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Grants and Bursaries

For the full and updated list provided by the Army Cadet League of Canada refer to their Awards, Grants and Bursaries page.

1CPB Basic Parachutist

Cadet who excelled on Para Course selected for academic potential – selected from applications - not necessarily Top Cadet.

$500 Bursary (Drawn from ACLC 1CPB funds) for post-secondary education.

CTC schedule

ANAVET’s - Judge Daniel F. Foley Memorial Scholarship

Available to direct descendants (children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren) of members of The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada attending ANY year of University or College courses leading to a degree or diploma.

The Scholarship of $1,000 USD will be awarded annually in his name and the recipient will be chosen by the ANAVETS Board of Directors at their annual board meeting in September.

Beaverbrook Prize

The Vimy Foundation’s premiere educational program, the Beaverbrook Vimy Prize, is a prestigious two-week-long learning experience during which exceptional youth, 15-17 years of age, study the interwoven First and Second World War history of Canada, Great Britain, and France.

Sixteen (16) prizes will be awarded: fourteen (14) awards available for Canadian students, one (1) for a British student from Great Britain, one (1) for a French student from France. The Award consists of a fully-funded educational program for one in Belgium and France to study Canada’s tremendous First and Second World War effort.

Canada Company - Cadets/JCR Bursary Program

The aim of this program is to recognize cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers (JCRs) who exemplify attributes of leadership and citizenship and are motivated to pursue post-secondary education, vocation, or other learning opportunities.

Annually, through the Cadets and JCR Bursary Program we award 24 bursaries of $1,000 to five JCR, four Sea Cadets, six Army Cadets and nine Air Cadets.

Colonel Frank Kossa Memorial Scholarship

The “Frank Kossa – ANAVETS bursary” is awarded annually in a draw at our annual Board of Director’s meeting. To qualify for the draw, an applicant has to have earned the prestigious Cadet “ANAVETS Medal of Merit” and be entering any year of a University of Community College course leading to a degree or diploma.

The amount of the bursary is $1,000 and will be made payable to the institution being attended.

Gerard Buckley Cadet Fund

The purpose of the fund is to benefit Army Cadets in Canada. As an overriding principle, the monies must assist the greatest number of cadets possible in areas of training where The Government of Canada or The Department of National Defense does not provide funding.

Army Cadet Corps may apply to receive one of four grants of $3,000 awarded annually.

Hamilton Watches Ambassador’s Award

Hamilton Watches, through the ACLC, has established an annual award to recognize the top cadets from a summer international exchange.

Hamilton Watches awarded annually to

  • Top Cadet of Maple Leaf Exchange

  • Top Cadet of the Army Cadet Battlefield Tour

Exchange schedule

Horatio Alger Association of Canada

Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students in their terminal year of high school with financial need (family income under $55,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a post-secondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record.

80 $5,000 Scholarships awarded annually. The Canadian Scholarships are awarded to eligible students across all provinces and territories in Canada.

LGen Quinn award for excellence in music

Two awards will be presented annually in each of the following categories to first and second place cadets in the categories of:

  • outstanding pipe band musician

  • outstanding military band musician

1st Place: $500 (Corps) $250 (Cadet)
2nd Place: $250 (Corps) $125 (Cadet)

Loran scholarship

In partnership with universities, donors and volunteers across the country, they are looking to invest in the future of Canada. The Loran Foundation offers the country’s largest and most comprehensive four-year undergraduate award to young Canadians on the basis of character, service and the promise of leadership. The Loran Award is not a reward for achievements, but an investment in a young person’s potential future path of high impact.

Tenable at 25 partner universities, the Loran Award is valued at $100,000 over four years, including mentorship, funding for summer internships and participation in an extensive network of past and present scholars. A number of scholarships awarded each year.

Major Terence Whitty, CD, KCStG Memorial Bursary

The Major Terence Whitty Memorial Bursary was created to assist an Army Cadet pursuing post-secondary education and in need of financial assistance.

$1,000 awarded annually to an Army cadet.

TD Bank

Unique in Canada, the TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are designed to recognize the achievements of youth who are making a difference and help them realize their educational goals.

20 TD Scholarships for Community Leadership Each scholarship has a value of up to $70,000.

The Airborne Forces Scholarship Fund

Eligible applicants include members of CAFA or ARAC; spouses, children or grandchildren of CAFA or ARAC members (either living or deceased); members in good standing of a Cadet Corps affiliated with CAFA or ARAC; or any Army Cadet who is qualified Canadian Forces Parachutist.

A $2,000 bursary is awarded in August each year to one qualified and deserving applicant who will be attending a post-secondary institution in the upcoming academic year in a full-time programme of study.

Top Cadet Parachutist 

Top Parachute course Cadet

  • High-end sports watch (ACLC)

  • Figurine of Airborne Trooper

CTC schedule

Vimy Pilgrimage Award

The Vimy Foundation created the Vimy Pilgrimage Award to recognize the actions of young people who are dedicated to the betterment of society by demonstrating an outstanding commitment to volunteer work through positive contributions, notable deeds, or bravery that benefits their peers, school, community, province, or country.

The Vimy Pilgrimage Award consists of a fully funded week-long educational program in Belgium and France to study Canada’s tremendous First World War contribution.



Beatty Street Drill Hall
620 Beatty Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2L9

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Training Nights

Training nights are every Thursday during the school year, from 6:15 - 9:15 PM

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